Holoholokai Beach Park at Mauna Lani

Holoholokai Beach Park is located in the Mauna Lani Resort near the Fairmont Orchid.  It is the main parking location for guests that want to visit Pauoa Beach.  While there are restrooms and parking located here, the beach is not the greatest for swimming or other beach activities due to the number of rocks.  There are several picnic tables located around the area so it makes for a great location for lunch.

This area is located just on the edge of Mauna Lani Resort and Puako.  There is a trail, the Malama Trail, which starts near the parking lot and goes to the Puako petroglyphs area.  The trail to the petroglyphs is about 1 mile round trip.  There are a number of kiawe trees in this area, which have very large thorns so it is recommended to wear good shoes to protect from that as well as the ground being uneven.  For the most part this walk does not offer much shade so it is recommended to take water and wear sunscreen.

holoholokai beach park
holoholokai beach park