The Whales are Back!

The humpback whales are back to the Big Island of Hawaii to enjoy the warm waters for the winter.  These fascenating creatures are a must see if you have not seen them before.

Every year they show up to the Hawaiian Islands around December and stay until March for mating season.  If you stay at any of the oceanfront or beachfront properties you can typically see them from your lanai with binoculars.  There are some oceanfront villas at Hali’i Kai that offer some great whale watching.  You can spend hours sitting on your lanai and watching then play in the blue waters of the Pacific.

There are several whale watch tours offered on the island that take you up close with the mammels.  OceanSports is the most conveniently located at A’Bay at Waikoloa Beach Resort.  Many of the whale watches guarantee seeing a whale.  When there are a lot of whales many of the snorkeling tours turn into whale watches as you pass so many on your way to the snorkeling destination.

If you stay at Kolea at Waikoloa or Halii Kai at Waikoloa you can see the whales just off the lanais of your vacation rentals.

Next time you are on the Big Island of Hawaii in the winter months take time to enjoy these beautiful mammels.