Mau’u Mae Beach, pronounced Mow my, is one of my favorite beaches on the island. You can get to the beach two ways. The first is to park at Spencer Beach State Park and hike north about ¼ mile up the coastline along a trail until you reach the beach. The second is to go through Mauna Kea Resort and park at the beach parking. They limit the number of permits they give out to park there so you can not always use this option. Their permit will have directions to the parking area. They give out permits typically from sunrise to sunset. Once you reach the beach you will find beautiful white sand and that extends far out into the water. This is least rocky beach I am aware of on the Big Island of Hawaii. The surf is typically minimal so it is great for children and boogie boarding. There are rocky areas along both sides of the beach that make for great snorkeling. There is minimal shade so you will want to take a beach umbrella.
Path to Mauu Mae from Spencer Beach
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Directions to Spencer Beach State Park. Mauu Mae is a hike south along the costline from Spencer Beach State Park.