Tourism in Hawaii saw a very good month in February 2022 as compared to February 2019. COVID19 started in February of 2020 and tourism was minimal in 2021 so 2019 offers the best comparison for the month of February. While we saw overall tourism not doing as well in January as compared to 2020, we saw tourism move in a positive direction from those numbers.
Hawaii Overall Tourism
Overall tourism in the State of Hawaii was down roughly 20% in February as compared to 2019. This is 10% better than we saw in January. This is directly related to international travel and primarily travel from Japan. Travel from the United States actually saw an increase as opposed to 2019.
Average Length of Stay in Hawaii
The average length of stay increased by 1 night. While the COVID Safe Travels Program has been in place we have seen this number steadily been more than years prior. Due to the testing requirements and the documentation that the State of Hawaii has required people desiring to only stay for a few nights have chosen other vacation destinations. As we move into the month of March I suspect that the increase in the average number of nights will diminish.
Hawaiian Island of Choice
In line with the month of January, the Island that saw the largest increase was the Big Island. The island that saw the largest decrease was the island of Oahu. The decrease on the island of Oahu is primarily related to the decrease in tourism from Japan. Another factor is since COVID19 has been an issue many travelers have stayed away from the areas where the population may be greater and there may be crowds.
Vacation Rentals vs Hotels
Just like January, February saw numbers that were in favor of vacation rentals. This is primarily related to travel from Japan being down. People that travel from Japan typically come on a travel package and those are typically partnered with larger hotel chains such as the Hilton. Also ever since COVID19 there has been an increase in the choice of vacation rentals due to the ability to avoid large gatherings. Also many of the hotels have not fully opened up their amenities.