The vacation rental statistics have been released for the first half of 2010. While many people felt that tourism was doing better throughout the US in 2010 versus 2009, the statistics show the two years to be just about even. Hawaii was one of the few states that shows a large increase in occupancy in 2010 versus 2009. Hawaii enjoyed an increase of 24% in the number of nights reserved in the first half of 2010 versus 2009. There are a couple speculated reasons for this.
The first speculation is that many annual Florida vacationers chose to go to Hawaii due to the recent oil spill. Florida had a decrease in 3% in the number of nights reserved. A neighboring state, Alabama had a 15% decrease, which was one one of the largest.
The second speculation is that there were several large scale conferences held throughout the islands in the first quarter, which brought in a large number of people. Due to the economy in 2009, there were several large companies that canceled conferences in Hawaii that typically have conferences every year. A lot of hotels offered unprecedented deals on wedding packages bringing in groups to the resort areas.
The first quarter of 2010 started off strong and has steadily decreased throughout the US. This decrease will more than likely carry into the second half of 2010. From what is currently reserved Hawaii looks as though it will have a strong half of 2010 as opposed to 2009 plavix 75 mg.